Courses List Hack

In the beginning

I've just found that we can write blog entries on our lms by going to our profile page and clicking on blog entries under miscallaneous.
So thought of writing this blog.

The Hack

This is not a great hack, just added a funny heading.
This is for educational purposes only. If you misuse the information provided in anyway illegal then you are solely responsible for your actions

In general, we can see our fellow students who are enrolled in the same course we are enrolled by just going to the participants tab of the course page.
But this is different.
When a student is logged in to we can go to profile tab from top left corner menu.
Then if we change the id in the url of the page we can access the course list of our fellow students and the time of their recent access of the lms.
  • This can give us ability to see the courses our friends are enrolled in but we're not.
  • This can be a really concerning "privacy issue" for some users.
  • So be mindful, and don't spy on others using this.
Note: Although this looks like hacking for some people, it is not.
we can do the same thing by clicking on Online users list in the "dashboard" page.
  • That means we are allowed to do this basically.
  • We can only see online users that way, but this hack can help you see offline users too.
Thank you for reading this blog. See you soon, maybe.

Published on: Jan 23, 2023
Written by: Nerd